Greeting from Executive President
To the interdisciplinary society for exploring the safety of health via thorough immunological viewpoint

Executive President
Motoyasu Ohsawa

 It is already the last half of my second term as the Executive President of the Japanese Society of Immunotoxicology, the JSIT, which I assumed from Professor Hiroshi Nagura, who was one of the founders of the Society and who contributed greatly to the growth of immunotoxicological research in Japan. I have been made efforts to promote research and to smooth the management of this Society with such aims as development of immnotoxicological research in the twenty-first century with the accession of frontier spirit for science, improvement of the society’s organization, and simplified and open management of the Society.

 As for the promotion of immunotoxicological research, now is the time for our Society to make progress in immunotoxicological research with universality via thorough interdisciplinary viewpoints, to join with people from various research fields, and to declare concrete results and take standpoints in health-safety science regarding individual issues related to the immunotoxicity, because we have already established the research field in Japan. To be specific, there are many research foci, such as analyses of the mechanisms in the paradigm of immunotoxicity, development of molecular markers for immunotoxicity, analyses of sensitivity for allergy and immunotoxicity, risk assessment, reduction and prevention of side effects caused by the immunotoxicity of pharmaceutical drugs, and the relationship between immunotoxicology and immunopharmacology. In addition, international exchanges, cooperation and partnership in researches are required, since immunotoxicological research is so widespread. Because the role of our Society in organizing these international exchanges and cooperation is very important, concrete measures are being planned for international coordination with European, American and Asian societies with any relation to immunotoxicity and its research.

 Furthermore, management of the Society has been reconsidered to society members. The establishment of a board of councilors is one such step that has been taken. In addition, recently remodeling and revision of the Society’s homepage and digital informative activities have been discussed in order to provide smooth communication, to share technical methodologies, and to exchange the opinions among members. On this remodeld homepage, members will be read previous issues of ImmunoToxLetter and other information such as reports of annual meetings and opinions from members. In closing, dear members please utilize the revised homepage for exchanging research information and collaborative investigation. If you have any opinions and comments, please feel free to contact us without any hesitation.